Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Straight Photography With a Border

For this project we started out by taking close up pictures of one object, which is called straight photography. These are photos of various items around our school and art room. I uploaded them onto photoshop the same way I have for the rest of them. After I uploaded them I cropped them to how I wanted it so it was an even closer up image. Then I added a border by pushing the command and A at the same time. This highlights the whole photo and from there I simply just pushed Select, Modify, then Borders. It gave me an outline that I followed and painted on the border. I used many different types of paint brushes to give the borders a different effect. The first photo is of a locker latch, I used a blue border for this picture. My second photo is a close up of a scale in the art room that i added a black border to. The third photo I took was of a door hinge. My forth photo is a close up of a clock. I added two borders to it by doing the process twice. My last photo is of a spool of wire that i found in the art room.

1 comment:

  1. I like the spool of wire with the grey border. The angle really captures the image.
